find visual examples of the following (6 total):
-(1) simple painting
-(1) complex painting
-(1) historical painting
-(1) contemporary painting
-(1) successful painting
-(1) unsuccessful painting
•You may use the internet to acquire your images, as you need to email them to instructor by 11:59pm tuesday night (8/26).
•Label them accordingly (ex. “complex.jpg”, “simple.jpg”), and attach or embed in an email. If email fails you bring them in on a flash drive.
•Be prepared to identify the selected works (artist, title, year), contextualize, and explain your selections.

find visual examples of the following (6 total):
-(1) simple painting

-(1) complex painting

-(1) historical painting

-(1) contemporary painting

-(1) successful painting

-(1) unsuccessful painting




Painting Impromptu

-Use your current understanding, and familiarity with the medium of paint to create a painting. What you paint is entirely up to you.
No subject matter, aesthetic or technique is off-limits.

-The painting must be executed on a provided 12″X16″ canvas panel.



Grayscale Value scales

Mixing to achieve black and gray using Ultramarine Blue, Napthol Red and Azo Yellow Medium:

Step 1: Mix 1 part of Ultramarine with 2 parts Napthol Red. The mixture will be correct when you perceive it to be the deepest blue without being described as purple. This is an approximate primary blue.

Step 2: Mix 2 parts primary blue with 1 part Azo Yellow Medium.

Step 3: Once you master making your own black, create a 9-step
gray scale, by slowly introducing your black to titanium white.


complete 2 grayscales:

one with self mixed black + titanium white

one with store bought black + titanium white

employ your polar value (black)

to create 3 more scales:

mix with water in various amounts, and record results

mix with matte medium in various amounts, and record the results

mix with matte medium + water in various quantities, and record the results.

-(5) 9-step Scales total


assignment #5

3 self portraits_9″X12″



-Smooth blended

1 study must be with a self mixed black.


assignment #5: Color Wheel (tint/tone/shade)

Construct a color wheel using your primaries (oil color):

  1. Using a compass, draw the color wheel outline onto your canvas paper.

-Draw 3 more concentric circles (evenly spaced) to serve as your (tint/tone/shade).

-Create 12 equal slices -keep your paint wet-

  1. Start by filling in the 3 primaries in the outmost circle slice

(Red/Yellow/Blue clockwise).

  1. Mix primaries together to make 3 secondary colors (orange/green/violet)

fill in the space located between the two primaries used. (skip one space).

  1. Mix the secondary colors together to make 6 tertiary colors.

(red-orange / yellow-orange / yellow-green / blue-green / blue-violet / red-violet)

  1. Proceed by making a tint, tone and shade of every HUE on the color wheel from outside inwards:

TONE = + white

TONE = + grey (mid value, ex. #6)

SHADE = + black


assignment #6: mixing compliments

Mixing from opposite sides of the color wheel will yield a grey. This is called mixing complements. This technique combined with knowledge of tint/tone/shade, will allow for maximum expressiveness and understanding of color.

Create 3 color mixing scales (similar to grayscale value cards), with 7 steps. (oil color)





Keep in mind the tinting strength of your two chromas, and start by slowly adding small amounts of the stronger.

Attempt to keep your steps incremental.

Take note of the unique chromas resulting, specifically those not on your color wheel.


assignment #7: oil exploration


On your canvas paper explore the properties of oil paint when mixed with a variety of mediums, in various quantities.



-Oil painting medium

-Safflower oil

-Linseed oil


-OMS (odorless mineral spirits)

-Japan drier

-Fast drying medium

-Impasto medium


Simply mix a color of your choosing with ALL of these, and paint a swatch.

Record results in regards to dry time, viscosity, gloss/sheen, transparency, etc.

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